Kiteezi landfill- Kiteezi garbage tragedy


The Kiteezi landfill is located in Kiteezi village Kawempe division at the border with Wakiso district 14 km north of Kampala central business district.  Kiteezi landfill was established in 1996 to provide a major depository of the solid wastes corrected from Kampala city.  The landfill, also known as Kiteezi rubbish dump, has served as the primary waste disposal site for the city’s rapidly growing population. 

Despite the low collection levels throughout the city, the landfill receives between 1,500 and 2,000 tones of waste every day. These are collected from five divisions of Kampala and the neighboring parts of Wakiso district. Kiteezi landfill hosts more than 1000 waste pickers that sort and recover material for recycling into the economy. Despite their societal, environmental and economic roles, scavengers are exposed to unhealthy working conditions. For instance, exploitation from middle-men, low pay, social stigmas, weak laws, corporate polluters, and abuse from authorities. The landfill has been at the center of environmental concerns due to its impact on surrounding communities and ecosystems. Communities around the landfill live with contaminated air, scattered waste and leachate. Water resources for drinking and domestic purposes have become polluted. 

It is indicated that in 2012 the landfill reached its maximum capacity however it continued to receive trash until August 2024. On the morning of 9th August 2024, a landslide struck the mountain of Kiteezi garbage dump and began to cascade downhill. The garbage covered buildings, human beings, gardens and  livestock. People lost their lives out of 56 houses that were covered and few were retrieved. And up to now the exact number of people that lost their lives in the garbage is not known. Those that survived were evacuated to area hospitals and those that were surrounding the landfill were evacuated to safer places.

Since the tragedy, authorities in Kampala and surrounding areas have been searching for alternative dumpsites. This has led to an increase of garbage across the city. For now KCCA has got a relief as Katabi town council authorized a temporary use of Nkumba – Bukolwa landfill. This came after communities in Dundu and Menvu rejecting the proposal of dumping waste in their areas.

Actions taken on the Kiteezi landfill incident


Following the findings in the report  of the Inspector General of Government (IGG) concerning the Kiteezi landfill disaster, on Tuesday 24th September, president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni exercised his constitution al authority under Article 172 (1) (a) of the 1995 constitution. He dismissed the key officials of Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA) due to significant evidence of criminal negligence. Among those that were dismissed include; Dorothy Kisaka; KCCA Executive Director, Engineer  David Luyimbazi; Deputy  Executive Director, and Dr. Daniel Okello; Director of Public Health. To ensure a swift transition in leadership, the President directed the Public Service Commission to advertise these positions with a goal of appointing new officials within three months. The minister for Kampala was also tasked with advising the president on the short term appointments for these positions. This was done with an intention of ensuring that KCCA operations continue with no inconveniences until permanent replacements are in place. Following the dismissal of key officials in KCCA, Frank Nyakaana Rusa, the director of legal affairs, has been appointed as the acting KCCA Executive director, Robert Nowera has been appointed as deputy executive director of KCCA and Sarah Zalwango Karen has been named acting Director of public health so as to ensure the continuity and stability of KCCA operations.