Uganda Demorgraphy

the flag of uganda

Annual population growth rate (2009 estimation): 3.3%. Ethnic groups: Baganda, Banyankole, Bahima, Bakiga, Banyarwanda, Bunyoro, Batoro, Langi, Acholi, Lugbara, Karamojong, Basoga, Bagisu, and others. Religions: Christian 85%, Muslim 12%, other 3%. Languages: English (official), Swahili, Luganda, Lunyankore and numerous other local languages. Education: Attendance (2008; primary school completion rate)–56%. Literacy (2003-2008)–74%. Health (2009 estimation.): Infant mortality rate–79.4/1,000. Life expectancy–52.7 yrs.

The Baganda are the largest ethnic group in Uganda and comprise approximately 17% of the population. Individual ethnic groups in the southwest include the Banyankole and Bahima (10%), the Bakiga (7%), the Banyarwanda (6%), the Bunyoro (3%), and the Batoro (3%). Residents of the north include the Langi (6%) and the Acholi (5%). In the northwest are the Lugbara (4%). The Karimajong (2%) live in the considerably drier, largely pastoral territory in the northeast. Ethnic groups in the east include the Basoga (8%) and the Bagisu (5%).

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