Uganda Tourism Board (UTB)

Uganda Tourism Board (UTB)
If you are a fun of Uganda’s tourism attractions may have fallen in love with Uganda gorilla trekking safari, it may be as a result of the good work done by Uganda Tourism Board to promote the tourism sector and make it known worldwide. UTB is the official Government destination market organization with the responsibility to promote and market Uganda as the preferred tourism destination in Africa. UTB works hand in hand with other government agencies and the private business operators in the tourism sector. UTB focuses on representing Uganda’s tourism industry players and promoting all for public benefit.

UTB is also responsible to regulate both the travel and tour businesses, and commercial accommodations in Uganda. It oversees and inspects all tourist services and facilities to ensure conformity with International tourism standards.

The major objectives of the Uganda Tourism Board include the following;

To formulate, in cooperation and in consultation with the private sector and relevant entities, a marketing strategy for tourism in Uganda

To implement the marketing strategy and to promote Uganda as an attractive and sustainable tourist destination

To encourage and promote domestic tourism within Uganda

To encourage investment in the tourism sector and wherever possible, to direct such investment to the less developed tourism areas.

To promote and sponsor educational programs and training in the tourism sector including schools, in consultation and cooperation with appropriate entities.

UTB contact information
6th Floor, Block C, Lugogo House
plot 42 Lugogo Bypass (Rotary Avenue), Lugogo, Kampala
P. O. Box 7211 Kampala
Tel: +256-414342196/7