Travel Tips about Uganda

Uganda travel tips on visa requirements
For anyone wishing to travel to Uganda requires a valid passport and a visa. When coming to Uganda, check with your local Ugandan Embassy for details or write to us and we advise in view of that.

Uganda language
English is the national language. There are other local languages like luganda, runyankore, lusoga, luo, runyakitara, lugisu, lugbara and many more spoken by different tribes in Uganda. For those who can only communicate using language like Chinese, Germany, French, Arabic and others, we can organize special interpreters for them while taking their tours in Uganda.

Uganda Currency
Major foreign currencies – like the US$, Pound Sterling and Euros, South African Rand and currencies for the Uganda’s neighboring countries can be exchanged in the local forex bureaus and banks. Travelers’ cheques are accepted in Uganda and are exchangeable at banks and forex bureau in Kampala City and other major towns and hotels. Credit cards are getting common and are acknowledged in some shopping and banks. Majority of banks have ATM facilities. In some national parks or tourist centre, visitors can pay using foreign currencies if they didn’t get time to convert into local money. It is not suitable to exchange money on the streets from individuals as you may be given fake notes of Uganda shillings.

Exchange rate
Forex bureaus and newspapers usually have the current exchange rates, so it’s advisable to check them and understand the current rates.

Uganda travel tips and health
Yellow fever vaccinations are a legal requirement for entry into Uganda. You will require a yellow fever vaccination certificate upon your entrance to Uganda. We advise that you take precautions against malaria (malaria only occurs in areas below 1800m in altitude) before commencing your holiday. Our tour guides have information about health services in Uganda.

Uganda’s Climate
Uganda’s climate is humid; it combines hotness and coldness in some parts. Uganda has dry spells from June-September and rains from November to mid January and many rains from March-June but at times such seasons change unexpectedly.

Uganda travel clothing/dress
Carry along lightweight, washable clothes plus a coat, jacket or sweater for morning wildlife game drives or any cold as a result of any weather changes. Items like sunhat, sunglasses and sunscreen etc are also important. Trousers or long sleeved shirts save you from dangers of insect bites. Any other form of dressing by one’s preference is good as long as it isn’t offensive for public displeasure. Women travelers need to carry a wrap to cover legs in the village and towns. At Lodges and hotels with swimming pools, better to carry a swimsuit along with you.

Baggage on safaris
Baggage on safari is limited to one bag, plus one small piece of hand baggage per person (excluding a camera bag). In total this should not weight more than 20kg. Suitcases and other heavier items can be stored in town hotels whilst clients are on safari.

Uganda Accommodation
Uganda offers a wide variety of hotels lodges guesthouses, safari lodges available for travelers ranging from budget, midrange and high-end accommodation that are distributed in all parts of the country. For any destination you want to travel to, there accommodations that you can book at. Feel free to visit for any of your travel accommodation plans and you will find all answers for Uganda accommodation.

Uganda tour and travel photo shots
To make your tour unforgettable, its better you carry along with you a video and a digital camera with enough charged batteries for shooting anything that interests you throughout your trip. Keep cameras from dust, sunshine or rain. It is advisable to seek permission first before photographing anyone or anything.

Uganda travel tips on security
Uganda is a very safe and sound country but still precautionary measures have to be ensured while traveling. One must keep carefully any possessions. Avoid night walking alone and especially in dark place, take a taxi or a special hire. It’s unwise to move with cameras and other valuable like jewelry and phones at night or large cash, they should be left at home or in your locked hotel room. Beware of possible pickpockets and conmen.

Shopping in Uganda
In Uganda, tourist areas, hotels, highways and wildlife lodges sell a wide assortment of souvenirs, handcraft, carving and jewelers at most souvenir shops.

Uganda time zone: GMT +3 hours
International dialing code for Uganda: +256 + area code + number

Uganda religious sects: Christianity and Islam are the major sects.